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Our honeys and caramel

Made with our 100% pure honey

Honey Tradition

This pure and unpasteurized autumn honey is the result of the perfect blend of clover honey and goldenrod honey from our region. We can easily distinguish the sweet notes of goldenrod and the roundness of clover honey in its bouquet. This honey goes perfectly with all your recipes requiring quality honey in their preparation.


Buckwheat honey

Our pure buckwheat honey was harvested in a field in Mauricie. This type of honey has a strong taste reminiscent of the taste of molasses.

It lends itself wonderfully to cooking with its unique and distinctive taste of buckwheat.


Creamy orange honey

Our creamy orange honey goes wonderfully with pancakes, waffles and even a simple toast. The freshness of orange and the sublime taste of honey make it one of our favorite creamy honeys.

Honey caramel

Miellerie King's Honey Caramel combines the wonderful taste of our mother's liquid cream sugar with that of our TRADITION pure, unpasteurized honey. It goes perfectly well with pancakes, waffles, vanilla ice cream or all your favorite desserts that beg to be filled with even more love. In short, our honey caramel is liquid happiness!

Caramel de miel

Le caramel de miel de la Miellerie King marie le merveilleux goût du sucre à la crème liquide de notre mère à celui de notre miel pur et non-pasteurisé TRADITION. Il accompagne parfaitement bien les crêpes, les gaufres, la crème glacée à la vanille ou tous vos desserts favoris qui demande à être comblés avec encore plus d’amour. En somme, notre caramel de miel c’est du bonheur liquide !

Blueberry honey

Our pure, unpasteurized blueberry honey harvested near Alma in Lac St-Jean is a delicate and tasty honey. We perceive the floral, almost fruity notes of blueberries in this delicious honey. Less sweet than our TRADITION honey, it goes wonderfully with tea or any other dish requiring a touch of sweetness with elegance.


Triple creamy honey

Churned 3 times with love, our pure, unpasteurized triple creamy honey is the king of whipped honeys. Smooth and tasty, it is perfect for lovers of pure honey who want to spread their toast in the morning. It is also eaten very well with a spoon directly from the pot.


Creamy Peanut Butter Honey

Our Creamy Peanut Butter Honey was created to make your life easier. Now you will only have one pot to take out to make yourself a sweet and savory toast.

Available only in store

Cheese honey

The union between honey and cheese is actually consumed with cheese honey. The notes of almonds will accompany the richness of your favorite cheeses, especially bries, camembert and goat cheese.

Miel à fromage

L'union entre miel et fromage est réellement consommée avec le miel à fromage. Les notes d'amandes accompagneront à merveille la richesse de vos fromages favoris, tout particulièrement les bries, camembert et fromage de chèvre.


Miel à dessert

Les délicates notes de fleurs d'orangers et de roses parfumeront à merveille vos desserts favoris et vous feront découvrir sous un nouveau jour vos plus belles créations.


Miel à marinade

Si le Mexique a son chocolat épicé, le Québec a maintenant son miel aux piments habaneros. Avec le miel à marinade vous serez le maitre des marinades et des vinaigrettes. Il deviendra rapidement l'ingrédient secret qui fera de vous le maître de la cuisine.

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